Firefox 7
If you’re a Firefox user, you’ll be interested to know the next version of Mozilla’s popular browser, Firefox 7.0, has just been released! …in fact so fresh is this news, Firefox haven’t even updated their Release Notes for Firefox 7 yet!

MIDAS v3.13 is fully compatible with Firefox 7 because as part of our commitment to our browser based scheduling software, here at MIDAS HQ we regularly test our web app in pre-release builds of all 5 major browsers before final versions are released! This helps us to identify as early as possible any potential incompatibilities, so that we can address them before a major browser update is made available to the wider public!

Once Mozilla update the Firefox site, you’ll be able to see exactly what’s new in the final version of Firefox 7.0, but until then, the Release Notes page currently refers to Firefox 7 “Beta”, but should give you an idea of what’s new in v7.0

Firefox 7 is free and only take a couple of minutes to update!