Category: Releases

MIDAS v4.19 Out Now!

Whilst the UK have been basking in a prolonged heatwave, and preoccupied by the excitement of major sporting events such as the World Cup, Wimbledon, and the Formula One British Grand Prix, we’ve been beavering away on the next update to MIDAS, our popular web based room booking and resource scheduling software.

Today, we’re excited to announce that the latest update to MIDAS (v4.19) is now available!

As our customers have come to expect from our regular releases, this latest update boasts a variety of new and improved features, many of which are as a result of customer feedback.

Here’s What’s New & Improved in v4.19:

How To Get MIDAS v4.19…


We are committed to fair and accessible pricing for all organizations regardless of size. We’re totally upfront and transparent about our pricing structure, and you can purchase MIDAS v4.19 securely through our website and be up and running in no time!

“Self Hosted” Customers:

Self-Hosted customers with ongoing Annual Support Subscriptions will be able to update to v4.19 in the coming days. It only takes a couple of clicks – simply log in to your MIDAS system and go to MIDAS Admin Options → Manage MIDAS → Update

“Cloud Hosted” Customers:

Cloud-Hosted customers don’t need to do anything! – All our active Cloud-Hosted MIDAS customers have now been automatically updated to this latest version of MIDAS!

Thank you for your continued support of our software, and we hope you’ll enjoy the new and improved features that MIDAS v4.19 has to offer!

MIDAS v4.18 Out Now!

Over the past few months we’ve been busy working on the next update to our Web Based Room Booking and Resource Scheduling software MIDAS, and we’re very excited to announce that this latest update (v4.18) is now available!

As you’ve come to expect from our regular releases, this latest update includes a variety of new and improved features, many of which are based on direct customer feedback!

Here’s What’s New & Improved in v4.18:

How To Get MIDAS v4.18…


We are committed to fair and accessible pricing for all organizations regardless of size. We’re totally upfront and transparent about our pricing structure, and you can purchase MIDAS v4.18 securely through our website and be up and running in no time!

“Self Hosted” Customers:

Self-Hosted customers with ongoing Annual Support Subscriptions will be able to update to v4.18 in the coming days. It only takes a couple of clicks – simply log in to your MIDAS system and go to MIDAS Admin Options → Manage MIDAS → Update

“Cloud Hosted” Customers:

Cloud-Hosted customers don’t need to do anything! – All our active Cloud-Hosted MIDAS customers were automatically updated to this latest version of MIDAS over Easter!

We hope you’ll enjoy all the new and improved features that MIDAS v4.18 has to offer!

In other news…

MIDAS was recently tested and reviewed by FinancesOnline is a respected global Business-to-Business Directory of SaaS (Software As A Service) solutions, each of which have been independently reviewed by experts. We’re delighted that FinancesOnline have awarded MIDAS both their “Great User Experience” and “Rising Star” awards!

FinancesOnline - Great User Experience Award
FinancesOnline - Rising Star Award

You can read their full and independent review of MIDAS here.

About these awards…
FinancesOnline recognizes software solutions that provide exceptional ease of use and an intuitive interface with its “Great User Experience” award in their appointment booking software category. Meanwhile, the “Rising Star” award certifies software products that have proven reliable and effective for users. MIDAS is also recommended in the platform’s “What is appointment scheduling software?” guide. These recognitions are complemented by the high 98 percent user satisfaction rating gathered by their Customer Satisfaction Algorithm, which aggregates the feedback and reviews of users across the web.

MIDAS v4.17 Out Now!

A very Happy Christmas from MIDAS HQ!

Whilst many businesses shut down over the Christmas period, we also appreciate that many of our customer’s businesses remain open this time of year. That’s why our Priority Support remains available across the festive season to those customers with active Annual Support subscriptions!

We’re also excited to announce our latest update to MIDAS, v4.17 is now available!

Here’s What’s New & Improved in v4.17:

  • New: Custom resource categories
  • New: Ability to set a default booking type
  • New: Ability to control which booking types are available on public booking/request screens
  • New: Optional “Custom Links” addon
  • New: Option to exclude tentative bookings on the Advanced Print Settings dialog
  • Improved: Booking watch notifications under My Messages can now be clicked to jump to triggering booking
  • Improved: Invoice summary screen now indicates recently overdue invoices
  • Improved: The Pending Booking Requests screen now indicates the number of venues you’re assigned to be a manager of
  • Improved: Print Client’s Bookings dialog now retains options for next time
  • Improved: Clicking on variables from the list on the Manage Template screen now inserts variable at current caret position in template code (previously inserted at the end)
  • Optimization: Code optimization
  • Fixed: Cumulative roll-up of various fixes for issues discovered since v4.16

How To Get MIDAS v4.17…


We are committed to fair and accessible pricing for all organizations regardless of size. We’re totally upfront and transparent about our pricing structure, and you can purchase MIDAS v4.17 securely through our website and be up and running in no time!

“Self Hosted” Customers:

Self-Hosted customers with ongoing Annual Support Subscriptions will be able to update to v4.17 in the coming days. It only takes a couple of clicks – simply log in to your MIDAS system and go to MIDAS Admin Options → Manage MIDAS → Update

“Cloud Hosted” Customers:

Cloud-Hosted customers don’t need to do anything! – All our active Cloud-Hosted MIDAS customers have now been automatically updated to the latest version of MIDAS!

We’ve plenty more exciting updates in the pipeline for 2018, so watch this space!

In the meantime, whatever you’re up to this festive season, we wish you a very happy and peaceful time with friends, family, and loved ones.

MIDAS v4.16 Out Now!

We love bringing new and improved features to MIDAS throughout the course of the year, and our latest update v4.16 is no exception!

If you frequent our website, blog, or social media channels, you’ll likely already be aware of some of the exciting improvements we’ve been busy working on for this update, but we’re now excited to announce the release of MIDAS v4.16!

Here’s What’s New & Improved in v4.16:

How To Get MIDAS v4.16…


We are committed to fair and accessible pricing for all organizations regardless of size. We’re totally upfront and transparent about our pricing structure, and you can purchase MIDAS v4.16 securely through our website and be up and running in no time!

“Self Hosted” Customers:

Self-Hosted customers with ongoing Annual Support Subscriptions will be able to update to v4.16 in the next few days. It only takes a couple of clicks – simply log in to your MIDAS system and go to MIDAS Admin Options → Manage MIDAS → Update

“Cloud Hosted” Customers:

Cloud-Hosted customers don’t need to do anything! – All our active Cloud-Hosted MIDAS customers have now been automatically updated to the latest version of MIDAS!

We love hearing from our customers, so let us know what features you’d like to see in future updates to our software by voting on our feature request page!