MIDAS Knowledge Base MIDAS Knowledge Base

How long will it take to process my order after making a payment?

For New Customers:

After purchasing or subscribing to MIDAS, we know you'll be keen to get up and running with our software as quickly as possible!

As part of our anti-fraud and "know your customer" practices, we manually review all new purchases and subscriptions to our software. Consequently, there may be a small delay between receipt of your payment and your order being processed.

Typically, the vast majority of new orders are processed within an hour or so of receipt, however it may on occasion take a little longer. We therefore ask that you please allow up to one working day for your order to be processed.

If you've not heard anything from us after one working day, then please do not hesitate to reach out to us, and we'll be happy to help!

A delay of more than one working day can typically be caused if;

  1. Your payment was made via an Electronic Bank/Wire Transfer and it may be that the funds haven't yet reached our account. This can also be the case if you make a transfer on a weekend or other public holiday date. Other reasons why an Electronic Bank/Wire Transfer may be delayed is if you've not used the correct reference number with your electronic payment. When this happens, we're unable to readily match the payment with your order. This is why we ask customers making a payment via this method to notify us once they've completed their transaction.
  2. Your payment was made via PayPal and is being held "under review" by PayPal. Whilst this is rare, it is part of PayPal's anti-fraud checks and can delay PayPal's release of funds to us by up to 48 hours.
  3. Your payment was made via cheque (available to UK customers only, except by prior arrangement) which has yet to be received or banked by us, or has yet to clear through the British banking system.

Once full payment has been received and processed, we'll send you a confirmation via email.

For new cloud hosted booking systems

Following successful payment, we'll setup your chosen MIDAS URL and provision your hosted booking system on our network. This process may take a few hours, but often it's much sooner! Once complete, the confirmation email we'll send will include your initial account details to allow you to login to your new MIDAS system.

For new self hosted booking systems

Following sucessful payment, the confirmation email we'll send will contain a link to download the installer and a unique Product Key to allow you to install the software.

For Existing Customers:

Unlike purchasing a brand-new MIDAS system where orders are manually processed, orders received from existing customers who are either renewing their MIDAS Subscription or purchasing license upgrades or addons via a credit/debit card or PayPal are automatically processed within a few moments of receipt.

Exceptions to this include:

  1. Purchasing additional databases for a cloud-hosted MIDAS system (as this requires manual processing by our staff)
  2. Purchasing via an Electronic Bank/Wire Transfer .
  3. Purchasing via Cheque (available to UK customers only)
  4. Purchasing via PayPal and your payment being flagged as "under review" by PayPal.

In summary, where we manually process orders, we strive to do so as quickly as possible. This is typically within a few hours, and often much quicker. If you've recently made a payment and have yet to receive confirmation from us, please don't hesitate to get in touch, and we'll be very happy to help!

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