How frequently are updates for MIDAS released?
Our MIDAS Web Based Room Booking and Resource Scheduling system has been in continual active development since 2005.We generally release two types of updates for our software - "significant updates" and interim "maintenance updates".
"Significant" Updates
Significant updates always contain new & improved features (many of which are a direct result of customer feedback!). We typically release these on average around 3-4 times every year. "Significant" updates with their public release dates are listed in the changelog.Each "Significant" update results in an increment to the version number. For instance, MIDAS v4.13, v4.14, v4.15, etc are all considered "significant" updates.
"Maintenance" Updates
Maintenance (or "interim") updates are released more frequently than "significant" updates. However, these don't contain new or improved features. Their purpose is to provide fixes for any issues that may have been reported or discovered since the last "significant" update, or to provide improved stability and performance. "Maintenance" updates are listed with their release dates in the update history."Maintenance" updates do not result in an increment to the version number, but may be identified by their Build Date. You can check the version and Build Date your MIDAS system is currently running via Statistics → MIDAS.
Both types of updates are included with a MIDAS Subscription. For our cloud-hosted customers, updates are automatically applied to their room booking system. Self-hosted customers with active subscriptions can easily check for and obtain updates via MIDAS Admin Options → Manage MIDAS → Update.
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