Why am I being frequently logged out of my booking system?
If you're regularly being automatically logged out of your MIDAS booking system, perhaps even within a few seconds/minutes of logging in, then there are a few potential reasons for this:Your IP Address has changed
For enhanced security, if your MIDAS scheduling system detects that your IP address has changed whilst you're currently logged in, then by default your active session will be automatically terminated and you'll need to log in again.If you're on an unstable or public Wi-Fi internet connection, try switching to a more stable/fixed connection. If you're being logged out due to IP changes within your own organization's internal network/Wi-Fi, you may need to speak with your network administrator for further assistance.
If you're an administrative user in your MIDAS system, you can enable the "User is on an unstable connection" setting. This is a per-user setting. Enabling this setting bypasses the enhanced IP address security in MIDAS for that user. Therefore, enabling this should only be considered a temporary last resort if the user is unable to switch to a "stable" connection.
You've logged in from another device, and multi-logins are not enabled
If you've not enabled the "Allow multiple logins by users" option for your MIDAS system, then each user account may only be logged in from one device/browser/location at any given time. As soon as an account is logged into from a second browser, location or device, the first session will be automatically terminated. To allow users to be logged into your MIDAS scheduling system from multiple browsers, locations or devices at the same time, please enable the "Allow multiple logins by users" option. You'll find this setting via MIDAS Admin Options → Manage MIDAS → Security.
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