MIDAS Knowledge Base MIDAS Knowledge Base

I was notified of new booking requests, but logging in shows none?

If you have been assigned as a "Manager" for one of more of your venues, then you are authorized to approve booking requests for those venues.

You may have set your settings such that you've opted to receive automated email notifications whenever a new booking request is made, however, you may occasionally find that after receiving such a notification and logging in to your MIDAS hall booking system, that there are actually no outstanding pending booking requests awaiting your approval.

This will likely be due to one of the following reasons:

  1. Another Manager for the same venue has already logged in and approved/rejected the booking request. (You may find evidence of this in the Recent Activity log provided the user who processed the request isn't "invisible")
  2. The original requester has cancelled their booking request, which they can do via a unique "cancellation link" included in the automated email notification they were sent when they made their booking request. (You may find evidence of this in the Recent Activity log)
  3. The request was made for a time period that has since passed. Requests for time periods which have since "expired" are automatically removed from MIDAS. So, for example, if a member of the public submits a booking request on a Friday evening to use one of your venues the following day on the Saturday, and yet you don't login to your MIDAS system all weekend until the following Monday, their request will no longer be present in the system when you do, as the date/time their booking request was for has since passed.

    For this reason, you may wish to consider change your Public Booking Request settings to prevent requests for your venues being made at too short notice. This setting can be found via MIDAS Admin Options → Manage MIDAS → Public → Public Requests must be made at least X days in advance.

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