Posts Tagged: v3.12

MIDAS v3.12 is here!

We are pleased to announce the release of MIDAS v3.12!

To coincide with this new version, we’re also excited to be releasing a new edition of MIDAS, “MIDAS Lite”!

What is MIDAS ‘lite’?

MIDAS Lite is a scaled down edition of MIDAS. It’s aimed at those who don’t require all the features of the full edition and those on tighter budgets.

There are lots of exciting new features in MIDAS v3.12 too! Notably, the ability to accept public booking requests for your rooms. There’s a host of other features too including customizable print, email, and invoice templates, booking confirmations, and selective restore from backups

Video Tutorials

We’ve also updated our Video Tutorials section with three new video tutorials. There’s now over an hour’s worth of step-by-step video guides now available!

New Features in v3.12

How to get MIDAS

If you’re an existing MIDAS user with a current Annual Support Package, you can upgrade to v3.12 right now! Simply login to your MIDAS, click the “MIDAS Admin Options” icon and select “Manage MIDAS -> Update”. If your Annual Support Package has recently expired, don’t worry – you can quickly renew it at

If you’re new to MIDAS, you can check out fully-functional demos of both MIDAS and MIDAS Lite RIGHT HERE. To get MIDAS working for YOUR company/organization, head over to to get yourself a copy of the new MIDAS v3.12!

UPDATE: As from 1st August 2012, MIDAS Lite is no longer available, as our pricing has been restructured to make the full edition of MIDAS available starting from MIDAS Lite prices! You can read more here.

Accept Public Booking Requests

We’ve been working for some time on the ability to allow non-MIDAS users to check your venue availability and make booking “requests” online. We’ve already implemented this with a number of our clients, and we feel it’s now ready to roll out to everyone, so you’ll find it included in the forthcoming v3.12

What is a “Booking Request”?

Well, a Booking Request isn’t an actual booking. When a Booking Request is received by MIDAS, it is added to the “Pending Booking Requests” screen. From this screen, a MIDAS user with sufficient privileges can then go on to approve the request (i.e. add it to MIDAS as an actual booking), reject the request, modify and add the request, or query the request with the person who submitted it.

Pending Booking Requests

What control do I have over public Booking Request settings?

…can I disable it, or only allow certain venues to be “request able”?

Yes, we provide you with full control over your public Booking Request settings. MIDAS will allow you to restrict public booking requests to certain venues only, or disable public booking requests entirely! Booking requests can also be prevented from being made too far in advance, or at too short notice. For instance, you may like to enforce that requests must be made a least 7 days in advance, and set it so that requests cannot be made more than 3 months ahead, or after a fixed date.

Here are the 5 simple steps for non-MIDAS users to make a Booking Request:

Step 1: Select Venue(s)

Step 1: Select Venue(s)

Step 2: Select Date(s)

Step 2: Select Date(s)

Step 3: Select Times

Step 3: Select Times

Step 4: Your Details

Step 4: Your Details

Step 5: Finished

Step 5: Finished

MIDAS v3.12 is coming soon… watch this space!

Templates, Booking Confirmations, Selective Restore.. and more!

Work is now nearing completion on our next release of MIDAS, v3.12. So we thought we’d take this opportunity to announce a few of the new features you can expect in v3.12

Customize Templates


In previous versions of MIDAS you’ve been able to add a custom text footer to the bottom of emails and printouts, etc generated by MIDAS. You’ve also been able to add simple headers and footers to your invoices. For v3.12, we’ve completely overhauled this. We’ve included completely customizable templates for your printouts, invoices, and emails sent via MIDAS (previous versions of MIDAS only sent emails as plain text. MIDAS v3.12 onwards will send both plain text and HTML versions of your emails!). We’ve also provided a number of special variables you can include in your templates. For example, adding %LOGO% to your template code will display your company’s logo at that point

Booking Confirmations

Automatically Send Booking Confirmations

If an email address is held in MIDAS for a client you’re making a booking for, MIDAS will now give you the option to send an automatic email confirmation to the client when you add their booking!

Selective Restore & Manual Backups

Manual Backup

Selective Restore

Did you know that your MIDAS automatically backs up its database upon the first successful login of each day? No? Well it does! …but in v3.12 we’ve also given you a “Backup Now” button. Clicking this button will take a complete “snapshot” of your database at that point in time. Should you ever need to restore/roll back your database to an earlier point in time, MIDAS gives you the ability to restore from one of these backups. In previous versions, restoring these backups would restored everything. This included your bookings, clients, invoices, etc. v3.12 will now give you the ability to selectively restore items from your backups! So rather than restore everything, you can choose to only restore booking data between two dates, for example!

Maximum Global Occupancy (Room Capacity) Checking

Maximum Global Occupancy

MIDAS already allows you to set a maximum occupancy level (capacity) for each of your venues. If you attempt to add a booking to that venue with more attendees than its capacity, MIDAS won’t let you! We’ve extended this feature in v3.12 to include a “Maximum Global Occupancy” setting. This refers to the total number of people you can safely accommodate on site across all your venues at any one time. No further bookings can be made during periods when the estimated number of people on site is expected to exceed this limit. You can also set warning threshold to warn people making bookings when you are nearing your Maximum Global Occupancy level!

New Booking Permissions

New Booking Permission

We’ve improved the “Can Add Bookings?” user permission in v3.12 to change the behavior of the booking form, on a per-user basis, from the normal form which adds bookings to MIDAS, to a similar form, but which only makes “booking requests” which have to be approved by a MIDAS user with sufficient privileges first before it is added as an actual booking! There’s more to come on “Booking Requests” too.. so watch this space!

  • More features will be announced here shortly, so be sure to check back regularly for the very latest news!
  • If you want try v3.12 now and help us test it, head on over to our BETA Test Suite