MIDAS Room Booking & Resource Scheduling systems come with a set of basic booking fields enabled by default. These allow you to record the type of booking, the number of attendees, any resources, and booking notes. That’s in addition of course to the room (venue), date/time, and client details.
Booking fields can be re-ordered as well as made optional or required. They can also be selectively hidden from certain users.
Furthermore, MIDAS gives you even more flexible control by allowing you to add your own “custom” booking fields as well!
A variety of different custom booking field types may be added to MIDAS, including:
- Single-line text Field
- Multi-line text Field
- Number Field
- List Field
- URL Field
- File Upload Field (Self-Hosted Editions Only)
Expanding the ‘range’ of custom field types
MIDAS v4.16 expands upon this range with the inclusion of a new “Range” (or “slider”) custom booking field type:

When adding a new “Range” custom booking field to MIDAS, you’ll be able to configure the minimum and maximum limits of the “slider”. You can also control the number of increments (or “steps”), as well as specify a default value for the slider.
Then when users add or modify bookings, they’ll be able to adjust the slider to the desired value. That value will then be saved along with the booking.
We’re sure that the addition of the new “Range” custom booking field will find a variety of applications within customer’s MIDAS systems.
For example, a “Range” slider could be used to record the desired room temperature for each booking, which your site’s caretaker/facilities manager could use to program heating/cooling/HVAC systems accordingly.
Furthermore, our optional API could even be used to interface MIDAS directly with your building’s environmental control systems – meaning users could set room temperatures directly from within MIDAS itself! – There are so many possibilities!
Click here to continue reading about some of the other new & improved features coming in MIDAS v4.16!