Internet Explorer Automatic Updates Microsoft’s Internet Explorer team have just announced that in 2012, their web browser will begin updating automatically itself to ensure you’re always using the most up-to-date version for your operating system!

Ryan Gavin, General Manager for Internet Explorer Business and Marketing, writing in a blog post today said that from January onward, Microsoft will automatically update older Internet Explorer versions on Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7.

Auto Updating Browsers

Mozilla’s Firefox and Google’s Chrome browsers have been keeping themselves up-to-date automatically for some time now, with no user intervention (other than a restart) required.

Now, finally, Microsoft is following the trend – well, sort of. Your Internet Explorer will only begin keeping itself updated if your computer is set to automatically receive Windows Updates. If you have Windows Updates turned off or set to manual, you won’t automatically receive updates to IE.

Still, it’s a step in the right direction following The Great IE6 Debate… Are Microsoft Holding Back The Web?

Keen to migrate people using older versions of Internet Explorer, Gavin had this to say on the new approach:

“We want to make updating to the best protection possible as fast and simple as we can for Windows customers. IE is how millions of Windows customers connect to the Web, so keeping that part of Windows updated at all times is critical to keeping them safe online. With automatic updates enabled through Windows Update, customers can receive IE9 and future versions of Internet Explorer seamlessly without any “update fatigue” issues.”

– Ryan Gavin, General Manager for Internet Explorer Business and Marketing

Gavin’s blog post also offers links to “Automatic Update Blocker toolkits [to] prevent automatic upgrades of IE for Windows customers who do not want them”, however, for individuals there is very little reason to use such “blockers”, and we would strongly advise against it!

Keeping up to date

You should always ensure you’re running the most up-to-date version of your favorite browser. Not only does this help ensure you’re protected from new security threats and vulnerabilities that are discovered all the time, but also so that you can view web pages, and web apps – such as MIDAS just as the developer intended, taking advantage of the latest web technologies and standards!

MIDAS is fully compatible with Internet Explorer 7, 8, 9, and the forthcoming version 10!