Category: Releases

MIDAS v4.11 Now Available!

Happy New Year, folks!

We’re excited to tell you about our latest update to MIDAS – version v4.11 – which is available now and is bursting with brand new and improved features!
If you were an avid reader of our blog back in December, then you’ll already know about some of the great new features in this latest release of our popular web based scheduling software, but in case you missed it…

Here are the Key Features of v4.11:

10th MIDAS AnniversaryLast month we also celebrated our 10th Anniversary, so if you’re considering changing to a new scheduling system for your organization in 2016, make sure you choose one with a solid history that’s in active development… like MIDAS!
….and if you think changing scheduling systems would be a laborious task, it’s really easy to import existing data from other calendar/scheduling applications into MIDAS

How To Get MIDAS v4.11…

New Customers:

New customers can purchase v4.11 directly through our secure website at

Existing “Self-Hosted” Customers:

Existing customers running “self-hosted” editions and with a valid Annual Support Subscription may update to v4.11 from within the software right now by going to via MIDAS Admin Options → Manage MIDAS → Update.

Existing “Self-Hosted” Customers:

Our existing customers with active cloud-hosted editions of MIDAS don’t need to do anything – we’ve already automatically updated you to v4.11!

Remember, if things look out of place or don’t function correctly, it’s likely that your web browser is still “caching” elements of the older version of MIDAS you were using – simply clearing your cache will resolve this.

We hope you enjoy the new & improved features of MIDAS v4.11, and we’d like to wish you all the very best for the New Year!
Stay tuned for more exciting updates throughout 2016…

MIDAS v4.10 Now Available!

We’re excited to tell you about our latest update to MIDAS – version v4.10 – which is now available and which boasts a number of new and improved features…

Two Factor Authentication in MIDAS

Two-Factor Authentication
Add an extra layer of security to your MIDAS system Read More…

Alternative Clients for Invoicing

Alternative Clients For Invoicing
Separate clients can be specified for booking and invoicing Read More…

Quickly search & filter resources

Quickly Search & Filter Resources
Find the resources you want quickly by filtering the list of resources Read More…

Here are the Key Features and Improvements in v4.10:

How To Get MIDAS v4.10

New customers can purchase v4.10 directly through our secure website at

Existing “Self-Hosted” Customers:

Existing customers running “self-hosted” editions and with a valid Annual Support Subscription may update to v4.10 from within the software right now by going to via MIDAS Admin Options → Manage MIDAS → Update.

Existing “Cloud-Hosted” Customers:

Our existing customers with active cloud-hosted editions of MIDAS don’t need to do anything – you’ve already been automatically updated to v4.10!

We hope you enjoy the new & improved features of MIDAS v4.10! …and remember you can also cast your vote on some of the other features we’re currently considering for future updates over on our Feature Request page.

MIDAS v4.09 Now Available!

If you follow us on social media, then you’ll probably already be aware of MIDAS v4.09 and the buzz its been generating amongst users, especially surrounding the new “Booking Alternatives” feature!

Here’s what a few customers have already said on this exciting brand new feature:

“Trying not to overreact here…THIS IS THE BEST NEWS EVER! … This just changed everything!”
“Very nice – love the Booking Alternatives feature!! – Bring it on!”
“4.09 looks good, especially that Booking Alternatives feature!”

We’re excited to announce that this new update is now available, so you can start taking advantage of all the new features of v4.09 for yourself!

Here’s what’s new and improved in MIDAS v4.09:

Booking Alternatives
Booking Alternatives
Multiple Client Email Addresses
Multiple Client Email Addresses
Optional High Resolution SVG Theme
Optional High Resolution SVG Theme

How To Get MIDAS v4.09

New customers can purchase v4.09 securely and directly through our website at

Existing MIDAS customers running “self-hosted” editions with a valid Annual Support Subscription can update to v4.09 from within the software right now via MIDAS Admin Options → Manage MIDAS → Update.

Existing customers who instead have their MIDAS hosted by us in the “cloud” don’t need to do anything – we’ve already automatically updated you to v4.09!

We hope you enjoy the new & improved features of MIDAS v4.09!

MIDAS v4.08 Now Available!

It’s the start of a brand new year, and we’re excited to bring you the latest update to our web based room booking and resource scheduling software, MIDAS – Version 4.08.

MIDAS v4.08 features a wealth of new & improved features, many of which are once again as a direct result of feedback and suggestions from our customers across the globe!

Here’s what’s new and improved in MIDAS v4.08:

  • New: Automatically generate Cancellation Fee invoices for bookings cancelled at short notice
  • New: Scheduled Task option to automatically send any unsent invoices
  • New: Option to prevent invoices from ever being deleted
  • New: Option to send/force booking confirmations to be sent by default
  • New: “Potential Income” Venue statistics
  • Improved: Generating Repetitive Bookings when multiple dates already selected will add to (rather than replace) date selection
  • Improved: HiContrast Theme (gradient removed from booking blocks)
  • Improved: Resources now indicated in Booking Confirmation emails
  • Improved: Manage Venues, Manage Booking Types, and Re-Order Fields screens improved for mobile/tablet/touch devices
  • Improved: iPhone 6 Plus support
  • Improved: Generation of invoices for “all clients” over a date range will now generate in ascending date/time order (previously in order bookings were added to MIDAS)
  • Improved: Invoices can be re-emailed to clients when partly-paid or overdue
  • Improved: Repetitive Booking Generator now includes options for repeating every 5 or 6 weeks
  • Improved: Timezone selection
  • Improved: Support for Perl architectures where POSIX::tzset isn’t implemented (i.e. Strawberry Perl)
  • Improved: Adding/Modifying/Deleting Custom Fields now logged in Recent Activity
  • Improved: You can now define which booking fields should be included in Booking Confirmation Emails
  • Optimization: MySQL query & memory footprint reduction
  • Optimization: Image optimization
  • Update: System requirements (browsers)
  • Security enhancements
  • Fixed: Cumulative roll-up of various fixes for issues discovered since v4.07 – see for details

How To Get MIDAS v4.08

Existing self-hosting MIDAS customers with a valid Annual Support Subscription can update to v4.08 from within the software via MIDAS Admin Options → Manage MIDAS → Update.

Customers who instead have their MIDAS “remotely hosted” by us don’t need to do anything – we’ve already automatically updated you to v4.08 this past weekend!

2015 – A new year… a new start?

Not yet using MIDAS for your organization’s facility scheduling needs? As it’s the start of a new year, now would be an ideal time to make a fresh start, and finally take back control over your room bookings and resource scheduling with our intuitive, powerful and easy to use, web based software!

To find out more, check out the features of MIDAS, view screenshots, or give MIDAS a try online now.

If you’re still not convinced that MIDAS can help your organization streamline and simplify its booking and reservation process, read what some of our existing customers say, and then get MIDAS working for your organization today!

Keep Your Browser Up-to-date!

Supported Browsers We want you to have the best possible user experience when using MIDAS in your favorite Web Browser. We support our web based scheduling software in all major browsers (including Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Opera). A list of minimum and recommended browser versions can be found at