MIDAS v4.04 Build History
(Dates shown as DD/MM/YY · All times shown in UTC)
v4.04 Build 06/11/13 @ 23.47
- Fixed: Incorrect Maximum Occupancy Warnings if making multiple booking during slots when existing bookings with attendees take place (Issue #1512)
- Fixed: Not possible to add bookings by users when a standard booking field was set to required but hidden from that user (Issue #1511)
- Fixed: Unable to approve requests from Pending Bookings screen if "account for pending bookings" setting was enabled (Issue #1510)
- Fixed: Not possible to start a new line in the "Notes" area of an invoice (Issue #1509)
- Fixed: If the new "account for pending bookings" setting was selected, pending bookings weren't shown on Web Request grids (Issue #1508)
- Fixed: Help Documentation corrections
- Improved: Client's email address now shown as part of %INVOICETO% variable on invoices (where applicable)
- Optimization: Removed some obsolete code
- Updated: Translations
- Fixed: RSS Feeds addon (v1.01): HTML tags in titles/descriptions cause RSS feed to break (Issue #1507)
- Fixed: Generating invoices for bookings spanning multiple dates in venues with daily rates defined may only charge 1 day (Issue #1506)
- Fixed: "Round up values" Invoice setting now properly respected when generating invoices for venues with daily rates defined (Issue #1505)
- Change: Daily venue rates are now shown as " / day" instead of " / each" on invoices
- Improved: Ability to filter by booking type when searching for bookings
- Fixed: Booking Information Panel could overspill into Booking Grid due to none-breaking of long words (Issue #1504)
- Fixed: Not possible to remove custom booking fields if they contained "#" characters (Issue #1503)
- Fixed: HTML links entered into Booking Notes may not display correctly in Booking Information panel (Issue #1502)
- Improved: Web Calendars addon (v1.01): URLs now display as links rather than plain text in pop-up windows
- New: Resources can be made Venue-specific
- New: Quickly "duplicate" bookings by dragging them whilst holding Shift
- New: Add custom URL fields (links) to your bookings!
- New: Option to "auto-approve" booking requests
- New: Option to take into account any pending booking requests when checking booking availability
- New: Enable client phone/cell numbers to be clickable "callto" links to quickly initiate a call via Skype, etc
- Improved: Added more CSS classes to allow for greater visual customization
- Improved: Clicking on the date for a Booking Request on the Pending Booking Request screen will jump to that calendar date
- Improved: Ability to sort booking requests by date/time of receipt, or date/time of start of requested booking
- Improved: SMTP authentication
- Improved: Clicking Invoice Number in "Invoice Created" dialog will display the invoice
- Improved: Clearer, crisper, and faster-loading MIDAS logo
- Fixed: Pressing Enter when creating a new invoice returns to the previous screen (Issue #1501)
- Fixed: Pressing Enter on certain fields on the Add Booking screen could bypass pre-availability check processing (Issue #1500)
- Fixed: Dragging existing bookings when holding Ctrl may not move correctly (Issue #1499)
- Fixed: Help window always displayed in current default theme, rather than currently selected theme (Issue #1498)
- Fixed: HTML errors on "Manage Booking Types" screen (Issue #1497)
- Fixed: Backslash characters may not be saved in custom booking fields (Issue #1496)
- Fixed: Possible when printing to specify an end date that precedes a start date (Issue #1495)
- Fixed: %DATABASE% and %BUILDDATE% variables not being correctly substituted in Print templates (Issue #1494)
- Fixed: "Show field to" rules not being applied in monthly view (Issue #1493)
- Fixed: Resource "Watches" may not trigger for approved booking requests (Issue #1492)
- Fixed: "Remove Venue" button disabled when initially viewing Manage Venues screen (Issue #1491)
- Fixed: " characters in organization names could cause a Javascript error on the Add Bookings screen (Issue #1490)
- Fixed: Not possible to delete/modify clients/organizations containing " characters (Issue #1489)
- Fixed: Column headers on printouts may not match correct fields if the field order has been changed (Issue #1488)
- Fixed: Clicking the "Remove" button to remove a resource on the Add Booking screen caused an error (Issue #1487)
- Fixed: Adding additional venues on the Add Booking screen resets resources listed on screen (Issue #1486)
- Fixed: Selecting from the "Show Invoices" drop-down may display a new blank invoice instead (Issue #1485)
- Fixed: Possible to manually add the same invoice twice if clicking the "Save Invoice" button multiple times (Issue #1484)
- Optimization: Automated daily backups are now not created when running in "demo" mode
- Optimization: Performance improvements
- Security: "Superuser" security update
- Change: jQuery file name changed to better facilitate future enhancements, such as CDN
- Update: jQuery updated to v1.10.2 / qTip2 updated to v2.0.1-105