MIDAS v4.08 Build History
(Dates shown as DD/MM/YY · All times shown in UTC)
v4.08 Build 12/03/2015 @ 10.44
- Fixed: Watch Notification AND/OR selector between Booking Type and Resources shows OR if saved as AND (Issue #1683)
- Fixed: Dynamically moving/duplicating a booking may not trigger watch notifications (Issue #1682)
- Fixed: Available hours in Venue Utilization statistics may not be correct in some instances (Regression of Issue #1644)
- Fixed: Background data refresh may return erroneous data under certain conditions (Issue #1679)
- Fixed: Issue with Step 5 of Public Booking Requests when multiple databases are in use (Issue #1678)
- Fixed: Not possible to add clients to additional databases in some instances (Issue #1674)
- Fixed: Not possible to save default Send Booking Confirmation setting (Issue #1675)
- Fixed: When importing bookings, MIDAS may incorrectly report the number of records found in the data to be imported (Issue #1672)
- Fixed: Timezone settings incorrect in some locations (Issue #1673)
- Fixed: Unable to add custom fields in additional databases (Issue #1671)
- Improved: Manage MIDAS → Web Requests screen now indicates unique public booking request URL for additional databases
- Fixed: Blank box when attempting to add an additional database (Issue #1668)
- Fixed: Adding an additional database with the "Transfer You & Your Permissions" option may not transfer the current user (Issue #1669)
- Fixed: Unable to setup time lists for additional databases (Issue #1670)
- Fixed: Silent "Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value" MySQL error in some instances when saving venues (Issue #1667)
- Fixed: Possible for users without the ability to add bookings to approve booking requests under certain conditions (Issue #1665)
- Fixed: Javascript error when saving changes to venues (Issue #1666)
- Fixed: Cancellation Invoice Prefixes not being saved
- Fixed: If no Cancellation Invoice Prefix defined, regular invoices may revert to cancellation invoice template
- Fixed: Action icons in History tab of Booking Information panel indicate they can be clicked (Issue #1662)
- Fixed: Unable to modify bookings with resources attached that contain apostrophes in their names (Issue #1663)
- Fixed: Unable to leave messages for other users if less than 3 user accounts can use messaging (Issue #1664)
- Improved: Support for importing bookings in iCal format
- Update: jQuery to 1.11.2
- Improved: You can now define which booking fields should be included in Booking Confirmation Emails
- Update: Help documentation
- New: Automatically generate Cancellation Fee invoices for bookings cancelled at short notice
- New: Scheduled Task option to automatically send any unsent invoices
- New: Option to prevent invoices from ever being deleted
- New: Option to send/force booking confirmations to be sent by default
- New: "Potential Income" Venue statistics
- Improved: Generating Repetitive Bookings when multiple dates already selected will add to (rather than replace) date selection
- Improved: HiContrast Theme (gradient removed from booking blocks)
- Improved: Resources now indicated in Booking Confirmation emails
- Improved: Manage Venues, Manage Booking Types, and Re-Order Fields screens improved for mobile/tablet/touch devices
- Improved: iPhone 6 Plus support
- Improved: Generation of invoices for "all clients" over a date range will now generate in ascending date/time order (previously in order bookings were added to MIDAS)
- Improved: Invoices can be re-emailed to clients when partly-paid or overdue
- Improved: Repetitive Booking Generator now includes options for repeating every 5 or 6 weeks
- Improved: Timezone selection
- Improved: Support for Perl architectures where POSIX::tzset isn't implemented (i.e. Strawberry Perl)
- Improved: Adding/Modifying/Deleting Custom Fields now logged in Recent Activity
- Optimization: MySQL query & memory footprint reduction
- Optimization: Image optimization
- Fixed: Undefined NaN errors when opening the Repetitive Bookings generator when no date selected (Issue #1650)
- Fixed: Unable to make venues Publicly Requestable if requests are set to be auto-approved and no venue managers defined (Issue #1651)
- Fixed: Animated "Working" icon may persist in bottom right of Booking Grid after multiple successive actions (Issue #1656)
- Fixed: Cancelled Booking Requests not be logged in Recent Activity (Issue #1657)
- Fixed: Not possible to attach files to bookings if client field has been disabled (Issue #1658)
- Fixed: "Create Invoice" option shown on Booking Availability screen even if no client associated with booking (Issue #1659)
- Fixed: MIDAS may not correctly update in instances where Support Files are located outside of the directory where MIDAS itself is installed (Issue #1660)
- Fixed: A custom list's default value may not be pre-selected on Public Booking Request screens (Issue #1661)
- Update: System requirements (browsers)
- Security enhancements
- Fixed: Cumulative roll-up of various fixes for issues discovered since v4.07