MIDAS v4.02 Build History
(Dates shown as DD/MM/YY · All times shown in UTC)
v4.02 Build 07/05/2013 @ 20.07
- Fixed: JS error on booking screen if attendees field disabled (Issue #1443)
- Compatibility update for forthcoming updated import tool
- Fixed: Attendees may not be being correctly saved (Issue #1442)
- Fixed: Resources may not correctly show in booking request email notifications (Issue #1441)
- Fixed: Drop-down list of existing clients not displayed if an existing client/organization contained speech marks (Issue #1440)
- Fixed: Month view not respecting venue group filters (Issue #1439)
- Fixed: Missing tooltip for day/month view switcher (Issue #1438)
- Improved: Error message wording when failing to connect to specified SMTP server
- Fixed: Deleted bookings not showing up in Recent Activity log (Issue #1437)
- Fixed: Watch notifications not being generated when watching a resource and deleting multiple bookings (Issue #1436)
- Fixed: Date range not shown in heading of Modify/Delete Similar search results (Issue #1435)
- Fixed: JS component not compressed
- Fixed: Watch notifications not being generated for deleted bookings when watching a resource (Issue #1434)
- Fixed: GUI inconsistency with previous versions when printing bookings as a grid
- Fixed: If the Attendees field is set to "Required" and multiple venues have been selected on the Public Booking Request form, MIDAS will prompt you to specify attendees for all venues shown, even if you don't wish to request them. (Issue #1433)
- Fixed: "Resources" column shown on Public Booking Request form even if no public resources have been defined (Issue #1432)
- Fixed: Emails sent via SENDMAIL may not be being sent (Issue #1431)
- Fixed: GUI issue (Statistics screen not being "styled") on some server configurations (Issue #1430)
- Fixed: GUI issue (Search screen not being "styled") on some server configurations (Issue #1430)
- Improved: Classic & Brushed Steel Themes (if installed) now also get automatically updated
- Improved: Added error logging during MySQL redim when updating from v4.00/4.01
- Fixed: Error when detecting themes in some instances (Issue #1429)
- Fixed: Installer updated to allow for v4.00-v4.02 installs
- Fixed: GUI issue on Create Invoice screen [Since build 25/02/2013 @ 17.10]
- Fixed: Various Maintenance Mode issues
- Fixed: JS error when viewing the Manage Venues screen
- Fixed: Small GUI issues on Web Request and Search Results screen [Since build 25/02/2013 @ 17.10]
- Fixed: Selecting multiple venues on booking screen failed to hide new resource lists
- Update: MySQL structure update when updating from earlier versions
- New: The language of the Web Request screen can now be specified by passing the parameter "?l=language_code" to it (where language_code is the internal code for an installed language)
- New: Initial provision for changing update channel (to be implemented at a later date)
- Fixed: Live updates of the booking grid may not function correctly under UTF-8
- Fixed: Sending of "Booking Reminders" as calendar events
- Change: Email encoding now UTF-8 (previously ISO-8859-1)
- Update: Help Documentation
- Fixed: Not able to complete Web Request process if a single date and venue are selected and a single resource is present on the request form (Issue #1428)
- Fixed: Theme Details not being extracted [Since build 26/02/2013 @ 12.41]
- Fixed: GUI inconstancy on Web Request form's Resource Availability check
- Improved: Print-outs now adapt to user's current Time List setting
- Fixed: GUI niggles
- Fixed: Continued "Caching" of old css file whenever updating MIDAS (Issue #1427)
- Fixed: Unable to add Time Lists if no timelists already defined [Since build 20/02/2013 @ 17.21]
- Fixed: UTF-8 issue with SQL error page
- Improved: Inline CSS cleanup
- Fixed: "My Bookings" filter option not being taken into account when searching for bookings (Issue #1426)
- Change: "Web Requests Currently Disabled" message shown if no venues are "Publicly Requestable", rather than bouncing back to login screen
- Change: MySQL structure update when creating new databases
- Change: ISO-8859-1 language files updated to use UTF-8 encoding
- New: The "Times" field can now be specified (on a per user basis) as either a start & finish time, start & pre-defined duration, or pre-defined "periods" of time
- New: Option to approve/reject Booking Requests "silently" (no email notifications sent to requester)
- New: Booking Reminders can be sent to your Inbox as calendar events
- New: Monthly Overview display can now be directly printed
- New: Option to only permit Booking Requests from certain email domains (i.e. restrict requests to your own organization)
- New: Norwegian translation
- New: Keyboard (accesskey) shortcuts
- New: Added Pinned Site/Jump List features for Windows users
- Improved: Monthly Repetitive booking options i.e. add bookings for "the 2nd Wednesday of every month", etc
- Improved: Optional additional security step for paying invoices online
- Improved: "Login" button now indicates login in process when clicked (as IE browsers may give no indication otherwise)
- Improved: Big inline CSS cleanup
- Change: Template selector in "Manage MIDAS" is now a drop-down list
- Update: jQuery updated to v1.8.3 / qTip2 updated to v2.0.1-4-g
- Fixed: Recent Activity log entries not showing client for approved, modified booking requests (Issue #1425)
- Fixed: UTF-8 issue with HTML entities in templates (Issue #1424)