MIDAS v4.01 Build History
(Dates shown as DD/MM/YY · All times shown in UTC)
v4.01 Build 13/02/2013 @ 07.21
- Fixed: Issue including images with external URLs in the "Welcome Note" on login screen (Issue #1423)
- Fixed: Issue with grid view time display when resizing browser, or entering/exiting full screen mode, for users with restricted hours (Issue #1422)
- Fixed: Perl issue when running under "The Uniform Server" (Issue #1421)
- Fixed: "Nothing to print" message when advanced printing a subset of venues, if print order is set to sort by venue (Issue #1420)
- Fixed: JS error when viewing Client information in the Booking Info Panel, if user doesn't have permission to use Invoicing (Issue #1419)
- New: Internal option to "alias" web url
- Optimization: Made external css load before external js
- Optimization: Updated charset meta tag references to HTML5 format
- GUI: Language list character encoding
- Fixed: Some timestamps being timezone offset twice (Issue #1418)
- Fixed: Tooltip not being translated on login screen (Issue #1417)
- Change: Pending Booking Requests screen now respects further user permissions
- Fixed: "Client's Other Bookings" lists in Info Panel may display out of order (Issue #1416)
- Fixed: "Client's Invoices" lists in Info Panel may indicate paid invoices as outstanding (Issue #1415)
- Fixed: Silent "Failed to load resource" errors generated in some instances where server redirects were in place (Issue #1414)
- Fixed: "Ctrl" not being substituted for "Cmnd" in some admin places when running on a Mac (Issue #1413)
- GUI: Small UTF-8 GUI glitch in Manage Users & Permissions
- Optimized: Removed some redundant code from invoicing
- Fixed: Rare "Can't use an undefined value as an array reference" error on Pending Booking Request screen (Issue #1412)
- Fixed: Possible to "Query" a Pending Booking Request without a valid email address (Issue #1411)
- Fixed: Invalid HTML in "Current Backups" list if running in 12 hour clock mode (Issue #1410)
- Fixed: Several UTF-8 GUI issues
- Fixed: Template references to 2012 when creating new databases updated to 2013 (Issue #1409)
- Fixed: Exporting bookings when in 12 hour clock mode included HTML tags in dates/times (Issue #1408)
- Fixed: Exporting bookings as iCal files when in 12 hour clock mode would create invalid iCal files (Issue #1407)
- Fixed: Unable to approve booking requests for clients without an email address (Issue #1406)
- Fixed: No venues shown on Add Bookings screen is user is only permitted access to certain Venue Groups (Issue #1405)
- Fixed: "Printed By" timestamps incorrect (Issue #1404)
- Fixed: Number of days printed in "Grid" layout one less than specified (Issue #1403)
- Non-forking build pushed to hosted clients to try to combat "Lost connection to MySQL server during query" errors (Issue #1402)
- Fixed: Emails sent via SENDMAIL may not be being sent
- Fixed: Internal Server Error in printview
- Change: "Managers" lists now only display users with permission to "process web requests" rather than all users to avoid any confusion.
- Improved: Code Optimization
- Fixed: Database Backups not being correctly attached to emails (Issue #1401)
- Fixed: Incorrect database count after deleting a database (Issue #1400)
- Fixed: Database Backups not being correctly attached to emails
- Fixed: Prevention of sending of emails to null addresses (Issue #1399)
- Help Documentation Updated
- Fixed: Booking History issue resulting in users with permission to only modify their own bookings being able to only modify once (Issue #1395)
- New: When approving/rejecting requests, warn if client won't be notified via email (due to no email on record)
- Fixed: IE specific issue which caused "Add Comments" dialog to lose focus making it difficult to add text (Issue #1398)
- Fixed: Hiding "Times" on printouts/search results also incorrectly hides dates (Issue #1397)
- Improved: Adding and display of booking notes (and custom textarea fields) (New line formatting)
- Fixed: Translation issues
- Change: Added more reserved field names to avoid potential issues on booking screen
- Change: If modifying a booking with consumables, previously added quantities will be credited back to quantities available
- Change: If deleting a future booking with consumables, previously added quantities will be credited back to quantities available
- Fixed: Language issues
- Fixed: Data range issue for booking statistics (Issue #1396)
- NEW: Full Screen Mode!
- NEW: Export Resources as XML, CSV, or TXT
- NEW: Export Invoice Summaries as XML, CSV, or TXT
- NEW: Option to set Operating Hours for all venues in one go
- NEW: "Client" tab of Booking Information Panel now also lists client's paid/outstanding invoices
- NEW: Notification if user's browser is outdated
- IMPROVED: Various performance improvements, including code & image optimizations
- IMPROVED: Better user experience when using the Public Booking Request feature on a smartphone/mobile device
- IMPROVED: Failed emails sent via Sendmail will now bounce back to original sender
- BUGS FIXED: Cumulative roll-up of various fixes since initial v4.00 release