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How to embed a MIDAS calendar in WordPress

This article outlines how to embed a MIDAS Web Calendar into a WordPress site with our optional Web Calendars addon.

WordPress is perhaps the most common and well known CMS (Content Management System), but there are many alternative CMS' available. For example, if you're using Joomla! we have a guide for that too!

If your website uses a different CMS system, the basic principles here may be similar, but you may need to refer to your providers own documentation for assistance embedding an IFRAME into your website.

Step 1: Locate the page/post in which your wish to embed a calendar

In your WordPress site, locate the page or the post into which you'd like to embed a monthly overview calendar of bookings. For this example, we're going to use the following basic WordPress page:

Example WordPress post

Step 2: Add a Custom HTML block

At the point at which you'd like to embed the calendar, click "Add Block". In this example, we're going to be embedding the calendar between two existing paragraphs of text:

Add new block to WordPress

Search for and select the "Custom HTML" block in the list of available blocks:

Add Custom HTML block to WordPress page

Step 3: Add IFRAME code

Once the Custom HTML block is added, you'll see a space in which to write HTML code:

Add custom html to a WordPress post

Insert the following into this box:

<iframe src="https://your_midas_url/calendar.pl" style="width:100%;height:550px;border:0"></iframe>

(replace "your_midas_url" with the URL of your MIDAS system)

For this example, we're going to use the online demo MIDAS system:

Embed an IFRAME into WordPress

The "width:100%" value tells WordPress that we want our embedded calendar to span the entire available width. The height value lets us specify the overall height of our embedded calendar (px = pixels). "border:0" tells WordPress not to draw a box/border around our embedded calendar.

Step 4: Preview and Save

Switch to the "Preview" tab directly above the Custom HTML box to preview our embedded calendar:

Embed a calendar of bookings from a MIDAS system into WordPress

You can then click the main "Preview" link near the top-right of the screen to preview the entire page as it will look on your website, and click Publish/Update to make the changes to your WordPress page/post changes go live.

Here's how our example test page would look on our blog (which uses WordPress):

Insert a booking calendar into a WordPress page or post

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