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How to enable detailed IIS errors

If you've installed our MIDAS scheduling software on your Internet Information Services (IIS) server, and you encounter a server error, the error may not provide much insight as to the cause:

Basic IIS Error Page

By default, IIS only displays very basic error messages in a user's browser.

For troubleshooting a server error, you can change this behavior to show a more meaningful verbose description of the problem. Here's the same error as above, but with detailed error reporting:

Enabled Detailed IIS Error Pages

The article will show how to enable detailed error messages on IIS.

Please note: You should only enable this when troubleshooting a specific issue. For security reasons, you should generally not display detailed verbose error messages to end-users.

To Enable detailed IIS Error messages:

  1. Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager
  2. Select "Error Pages"
  3. Select "Edit Feature Settings"
  4. Select "Detailed Errors"
Here's the above steps in more detail...

Step 1 - Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager

Open IIS Manager by pressing your Windows key + (or Start Menu → un) to open the un dialog.

Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager

In the un dialog type "inetmgr" and press Enter/Click OK.

Step 2 - Select "Error Pages"

In IIS Manager, select your website from the left-hand panel, and then select "Error Pages":

IIS Error Pages

Step 3 - Select "Edit Feature Settings"

In the right-hand panel, select "Edit Feature Settings":

IIS Error Pages - Edit Feature Settings

Step 4 - Select "Detailed Errors"

In the resulting dialog, select the "Detailed Errors" option in the "Error esponses" section:

IIS Error Pages - Edit Feature Settings

Click OK to apply the changes.

Now when IIS encounters an error, the error message will sow significantly more detailed information than before.

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