We’re improving the statistics/reports that MIDAS can generate for you in v4.06 with three exciting new additions:
Venue Utilization Statistics

The new Venue Utilization report shows you the amount of usage that each venue has over a period of time. It will tell you for how many hours each venue is booked out of the total amount of hours available (taking into account the venue’s hours of operation too!), and give you a percentage utilization figure too!
Resource Statistics

The brand new Resource Statistics section generates a report into your resources (equipment, consumables, and staffing) over a period of time. It provides details of the number of each resource in use during that period, and an estimate of the income potential from each. In addition, the report indicates the current totals of all resources (as well as unique resources) in your MIDAS, and also provides an insight into the most “watched” resources.
Individual Client Statistics

Improvements to Client reports now mean that with v4.06 you can see detailed reports for each individual client. These reports show when the client was added to the system, how many bookings and invoices they have, the dates/times of their first, previous, next and last bookings (which can be clicked to jump directly to those bookings). The report also calculates the total combined length of all the client’s bookings, as well as the average length of their bookings