Customer Service

“I just love how response MIDAS support is!”

Vera Miles, Maryland, US

We know one of the things our customers appreciate about MIDAS is the level of support we provide! That’s why every so often we analyze how we’re performing in terms of the support we provide to our customers.

Back in February, we looked how we performed during the first month of 2012. Our data showed that during January, over 90% of support request emails received from our customers were answered within 5 hours of receipt!

We’ve now performed this same analysis, and our performance figures reveal that…

Over 90% of support request emails answered within 2 hours of receipt whatever day of the week!

During September 2012

“I am certain that with MIDAS and the support you guys give (which incidentally is what swayed the sale) our little charity is going to go from strength to strength! The whole package is working beautifully for us and the more we are using this the better it gets! … The best thing I have ever done is buy MIDAS, the support is second to none!”

Ellen Wiggins, Reading, UK

So if you’re using other scheduling software and often have to wait days for a half-hearted response to your queries, isn’t it time you made the switch to MIDAS!? We know that not every business runs Monday-Friday, 9-5. That’s why our friendly, helpful, knowledgeable support team are dedicated and committed to helping make MIDAS work for you!

Take a look for yourself at what our customers say about us.