Technical Terminology and Acronyms

There are plenty of acronyms and terminology in the world of computer software and technology. You may have come across some of them on our website.

An acronym is a word formed from the first letters of a phrase. For example, “SQL” is an acronym for “Structured Query Language”.

Whenever we use a computer term or acronym on our website that may not be obvious to readers what it means, we endeavor to define it there and then in plain English.

However, sometimes this isn’t enough – ok, great so SQL means “Structured Query Language”… but what does THAT phrase actually mean?!

For some terminology going into too much depth and detail may detract from the context or theme of the actual article in which the terms appears.

That’s why we’ve now added a new and dedicated Glossary of Terminology to our website.

The glossary is an alphabetical list of terms and their definitions. When we use technical terminology, jargon, or acronyms on our website, we’ll link to a description in the glossary.

Links to definitions in our glossary will appear with a dotted underline. When you move over a link, the cursor will change to a question mark.

We’ve currently defined close to 50 terms and acronyms and will be adding plenty more in the future.

Oh, and in case you’re wondering what the acronyms SaaS, SPF or SSO mean, click those words in this sentence to view their definitions in our new glossary!