MIDAS v4.22 Build History
(Dates shown as DD/MM/YY · All times shown in UTC)
v4.22 Build 24/10/2019 @ 17:40 UTC
- Fixed: Unable to add resources to bookings immediately after adding a new client via the Add/Modify booking screen
- Fixed: Encoding issue which could lead to resources not being printed
- Fixed: Excel export creating empty files on some server setups
- Fixed: %FINISH% variable not being correctly substituted to booking cancellation template
- Fixed: Advanced Printing bookings as a grid with clients selected didn't respect client/org client field print settings
- Fixed: RSS Addon compatibility with MIDAS v4.22
- Fixed: Entering a venue rate for a Monday and then selecting "All Days" may not correctly apply the rate to the whole week
- Improved: iCal import support
- Fixed: Printing statistics defaults to booking statistics
- Fixed: Emails sent via Office 365 may not display correctly in some instances
- Fixed: Required fields on public screens may not be being enforced in some instances
- Fixed: Online invoice payment via Stripe may not correctly complete in some instances
- Fixed: Total Bookings value not accurate in monthly overview display when filtered by resources
- Fixed: Issue where Client tab in the Booking Information panel would get stuck on "Retrieving Data..."
- Fixed: Unable to modify/delete clients from search results [Since Beta Build 25/06/2019 @ 12:41 UTC]
- Improved: Discount amounts now included in exported invoice summaries
- Improved: Recent Activity logging for added/modified/deleted/restored bookings
- Fixed: Restoring bookings not being logged in Recent Activity log
- Fixed: Issue which could prevent receiving messages from MIDAS HQ
- Improved: Tentative bookings which have auto-expired are now better indicated on the Restore Deleted Bookings screen
- Fixed: JS error when removing a venue
- Fixed: Unable to remove venues with names containing a # symbol
- Fixed: Tentative Bookings may still be expired even with the feature turned off if making Public Web Bookings
- Improved: .rtf is now a supported file type when attaching files to bookings/client records
- Fixed: Exporting data as XML failed [Since Beta Build 25/06/2019 @ 12:41 UTC]
- Fixed: Custom client fields not being included in client data exports
- Fixed: Additional empty column being included in CSV and Tab-Delimited exports of booking data
- Fixed: Dialog shown whilst updating MIDAS may not include animated icon
- Update: Language on Restore Database screen to include client fields
- Change: No Client fields are set as being required by default, apart from client name
- Fixed: Client fields not being created when adding an additional database
- Updated: Installer
- Fixed: Silent "Wide character in print" warning in server logs when generating auto backups under Apache
- Fixed: Timeline not showing if no custom logo uploaded [Since Beta Build 25/06/2019 @ 12:41 UTC]
- Fixed: Unable to add new clients if organization field set to be required [Since Beta Build 25/06/2019 @ 12:41 UTC]
- Fixed: Unable to access MIDAS Admin Options screen on some server configurations [Since Build 08/08/2019 @ 08:05 UTC]
- Updated: Themes
- New: MIDAS now warns if its database isn't compatible with current software version
- Improved: Custom Logo shown when logged in (in bottom left) now auto hides if booking information panel would cover it
- Fixed: Silent MySQL error when updating groups only for multiple venues
- Updated: Help documentation
- Improved: Clicking the "All Venues" heading on the Manage Venues screen will now select all venues
- Fixed: Cmnd clicking in calendars on Mac OS to select multiple dates wasn't working
- New: "All Days" tick box to allow setting venue rates for all days at once
- Fixed: v4.22 installer issues
- Fixed: New v4.22 global settings file not being included in automated backups
- Fixed: Silent internal server error if SMTP test fails
- Fixed: Clicking the "New Type" button on the Manage Booking Types screen didn't fully reset the form
- Improved: Support for multiple client email addresses
- Improved: Maximum field length restrictions
- Improved: MySQL indexes
- Improved: Custom theme handling
- Improved: Server Readiness Tool now indicates if installed Perl modules are up to date
- New: Custom Client fields
- New: Venue Utilization report based upon venue capacities
- Improved: Option to split resources into categories when printing bookings as a table
- Improved: Booking Grid View filter setting now persists between session
- Improved: Booking Information Panel can now be scrolled if lengthy notes, etc are present
- Improved: Booking Information Panel now remembers selected tab between sessions
- Improved: Booking Information Panel "Pin" now remembers its state between sessions
- Improved: Default Booking Type field no longer shown on Add/Modify Client dialog if no booking types defined
- Improved: XML settings file migrated to JSON
- Improved: Performance improvements (Pages now load ~200ms faster than before)
- Improved: HiContrast theme
- Improved: Initial page title now indicates friendly database name if only a single database is defined
- Improved: The MIDAS updater now also automatically updates any installed addons
- Improved: Logging for IPv6 and IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses
- Update: Stripe for SCA regulation (3D Secure support)
- Fixed: Switching away from a Monthly overview to anything over than a day view may prevent the navigating calendar from jumping back to the monthly overview when dates are selected
- Fixed: JS error when viewing a booking grid with no venues defined
- Fixed: Pressing enter after entering a resource quantity closes Resources window, but doesn't return anything to add/modify bookings screen
- Fixed: Selecting an existing client via search by double-clicking Client/Org on Add/Modify bookings screen didn't change "New Client" icon to "Modify Client" icon
- Fixed: "Show To" field settings not respected in search results