MIDAS v4.21 Build History
(Dates shown as DD/MM/YY · All times shown in UTC)
v4.21 Build 08/07/2019 @ 13:45 UTC
- Fixed: MIDAS may incorrectly warn of missing MySQL permissions when updating
- Fixed: Custom theme styles/SVG not being correctly detected and applied
- Fixed: Cloudflare now plays nicer with Stripe
- Fixed: Emailed database backup filenames didn't include version number
- Fixed: Importing bookings with resources may fail to import new resources
- Fixed: Multi-line custom booking fields may include extraneous HTML when included within booking related email notifications
- Fixed: NULL values not correctly saved in database backups
- Fixed: UTF-8 encoding in database backups
- Fixed: Potential Income report may not be accurate for Staffing resources in some instances
- Fixed: Users with no client view permissions couldn't easily access the filter for bookings on the Search screen
- Fixed: Rendering of two fields on booking blocks in Hebrew/Arabic may not display correctly in Chrome or Safari
- Fixed: Venue Closed Until dates may increment by one if saving multiple times on the same screen
- Fixed: Various Maintenance Mode fixes
- Improved: UI improvements in relation to resources on public request/booking screens
- Fixed: Resources not show on Resource Popularity report [Since v4.21 Build 22/05/2019 @ 15:54 UTC]
- Fixed: Public setting on Modify Resource dialog not indicating if resource is public
- Fixed: Exporting resources not indicating whether each resource is public or not
- Fixed: The Resource Popularity Potential Income report didn't correctly calculate resources within custom categories acting as staffing
- Improved: Resource Statistics now include details of custom resource categories
- Improved: UI improvements in relation to resources on public request/booking screens
- Fixed: Updating notification settings on Pending Booking Request screen may incorrectly indicate that settings weren't being saved
- Fixed: Edit icon missing on Add/Modify booking screen for custom URL fields
- Fixed: Modifying resources in categories other than Equipment may default back to Equipment
- Fixed: Slack/Microsoft Teams notifications may not trigger when moving/duplicating bookings via click & drag in the booking grid if multiple notification channels defined
- Improved: %INVOICENO% variable can be set as custom field's default value in order to record previous invoice numbers through subsequent booking modifications
- Fixed: Booking Availability screen may not display correctly if time selector is disabled
- Fixed: A venue's Closed Until dates may increase by one day each time the venue is saved
- Improved: iCal booking import support
- Fixed: Invalid SVG if grid hours are limited and venues are closed outside of visible hours
- Improved: Install/Update now verifies required MySQL permissions are present
- Security enhancements
- Fixed: Limiting a user's hours to start earlier than 10:00 may not save correctly
- Improved: Upgrade error logging
- Improved: Decimal amounts can now be specified for global cancellation/deposit invoice amount settings
- Fixed: Calendar may not display on Safari/iOS [Since Build 22/04/2019 @ 20:12 UTC]
- Fixed: Missing delete icon to remove uploaded files attached to bookings
- Fixed: Links to uploaded files attached to bookings may not display correctly
- Fixed: MySQL error in public web booking/requesting
- Fixed: Importing clientless bookings may fail
- Fixed: Removing an invoice when both a regular and a deposit invoice were generated for a booking would fail to remove invoice reference from booking
- Fixed: "undefined" label on button when saving changes in Manage MIDAS screen
- Fixed: Item wording on generated deposit invoices
- Fixed: Installer/Updater didn't include default deposit invoice template [Since Beta Build 13/02/2019 @ 18:25 UTC]
- Improved: Length of venue/booking type name restrictions
- Fixed: Restoring invoices but not settings failed to restore cancellation/deposit invoice counters
- Fixed: Unable to reset password in some instances
- Fixed: Password strength indicator showed "Undefined" on unforced password reset screen
- Improved: Service message delivery
- Change: Removed Google+ link from default Welcome Note
- Fixed: Modify Similar Bookings not detecting similar bookings when the original booking is clientless
- Fixed: Resource names not being included in exported data [Since Beta Build 13/02/2019 @ 18:25 UTC]
- Fixed: Modifying similar bookings for multiple dates may only indicate two dates on Modify Bookings screen [Since Beta Build 13/02/2019 @ 18:25 UTC]
- Fixed: Unable to duplicate bookings in some instances [Since Beta Build 13/02/2019 @ 18:25 UTC]
- Fixed: Unable to add clients if no invoicing permissions [Since Beta Build 13/02/2019 @ 18:25 UTC]
- Fixed: Incorrect date shown in "Restore database to" dialog [Since Beta Build 13/02/2019 @ 18:25 UTC]
- Fixed: Unable to add additional user accounts [Since Beta Build 13/02/2019 @ 18:25 UTC]
- Fixed: Venue "Closed Until" dates should reflect the end of the selected date, rather than the start
- Fixed: Manage MIDAS layout corrupt after performing manual backup on some devices
- Improved: Theme updates
- Update: Installer for v4.21
- NEW: Deposit Invoices
- NEW: Mark invoices as complete even if not paid in full
- NEW: Ability to "clone" (copy) the contents of an invoice to a new invoice
- Improved: Selective bulk venue modification
- Improved: The "Pay invoice online" feature can now be configured to allow partial invoice payments
- Improved: Manually updating an invoice's status allows you to "overpay", applying the surplus as a client credit
- Improved: Database Backups can now only be restored for the version of MIDAS you're running
- Improved: UI Updates
- Improved: MySQL query optimization
- Improved: Database structure optimization
- Improved: Error handling when unable to login due to server error
- Fixed: Removing Slack or MS Teams addons could lead to an error when making public booking requests (Issue #2026)
- Fixed: Clicking on %USER_FIRSTNAME% variable to insert into a template would instead insert %USER% variable (Issue #2027)
- Fixed: Corrected app manifest for Android icon (Issue #2028)