MIDAS v4.20 Build History
(Dates shown as DD/MM/YY · All times shown in UTC)
v4.20 Build 05/02/2019 @ 11:20 UTC
- Fixed: No venues shown on Modify Bookings screen for users with modify permissions but no permission to add bookings (Issue #2025)
- Fixed: Adding a custom list type booking field with a blank option set as the default may prevent subsequent bookings from being added/modified (Issue #2019)
- Fixed: Current time indicator not updating for users with no permission to add bookings (Issue #2020)
- Fixed: Certain content in venue descriptions could cause booking grid to display incorrectly (Issue #2021)
- Fixed: Importing data from files with Macintosh line endings (CR) may fail on some servers (Issue #2022)
- Fixed: Dialog window size/positioning may cause dialog content to overspill viewable area (Issue #2023)
- Fixed: Missing icons in Edit Time Lists dialog (Issue #2024)
- Security enhancements
- Fixed: Adding/Modifying non-English named custom booking fields may prevent subsequent bookings from being added/modified (Issue #2018)
- Fixed: Modified bookings may temporarily be hidden for other users (Issue #2017)
- Fixed: Generating invoices from the grid may not instantly indicate association between invoice and booking (Issue #2016)
- Fixed: Support for Perl 5.26 (Issue #2015)
- Fixed: Support for Perl 5.26 (#Issue #2015)
- Fixed: Possible to add zero length bookings in 24 hour clock mode (#Issue #2014)
- Fixed: Authenticating via SSO in some browsers would cause MIDAS to not display toolbar and grid
- Improved: UI Updates
- Fixed: Missing warning icon on Pending Booking Request screen for clients without email addresses
- Fixed: Layout issue on Pending Booking Request screen
- Fixed: "Expire All" icons missing on My Messages screen
- Fixed: Current time indicator showing behind bookings instead of in front [Since Beta Build 08/10/2018 @ 13:03 UTC]
- Fixed: Merging data may produce an error [Since Beta Build 08/10/2018 @ 13:03 UTC]
- Fixed: Clicking and then dragging to duplicate/reschedule a booking too quickly may select an adjacent booking instead [Since Beta Build 08/10/2018 @ 13:03 UTC]
- Fixed: Dragging to add new bookings to a lower down venue in a large venue list may pre-select incorrect venue [Since Beta Build 08/10/2018 @ 13:03 UTC]
- Improved: Theme updates
- Improved: Theme updates
- Fixed: Multi-line notes may not correctly display in booking information panel [Since Beta Build 08/10/2018 @ 13:03 UTC]
- Improved: After generating invoices from existing bookings, the invoicing screen now refreshes (which allows the Recently Created Invoices section to update)
- Improved: UI updates
- Fixed: Updating from an earlier version where the optional "Brushed Steel" theme was set as default and theme selector was disabled would cause layout issues and make it difficult to update settings
- Fixed: Layout issues for IE11 users using CDN resources [Since Beta Build 08/10/2018 @ 13:03 UTC]
- Fixed: Day Notes not showing when navigating to dates containing notes
- Fixed: Various missing icons [Since Beta Build 08/10/2018 @ 13:03 UTC]
- Fixed: Missing icons to add/remove closed from dates [Since Beta Build 08/10/2018 @ 13:03 UTC]
- Fixed: Unable to select bookings in the grid on some touch screens [Since Beta Build 08/10/2018 @ 13:03 UTC]
- Fixed: Selecting Yes to reloading after saving changes may not fully reload for hosted clients (#Issue #2013)
- Improved: UI update for Hi Contrast theme
- Fixed: Silent MySQL error if initially logging in under an obsolete theme [Since Beta Build 08/10/2018 @ 13:03 UTC]
- Fixed: Invoices not shown on screen when emailing [Since Beta Build 08/10/2018 @ 13:03 UTC]
- Fixed: User's with the "Can Manage Resources" permission, but no other admin permissions were unable to access the Manage Resources screen (#Issue #2012)
- Fixed: Obsolete theme files not removed when updating to v4.20
- Fixed: Venue Utilization statistics not taking into account hours of operation in some instances (Issue #1601)
- Improved: Bookings with no type associated now appear in the booking grid similar to how they did in v4.19
- Improved: Both client and organization are shown on booking blocks by default for new installs (previously the default was only to show organization)
- Fixed: Adding a custom booking field named "group" would prevent subsequent bookings from being added in more recent versions of MySQL (Issue #2011)
- Security enhancements [Credit: lacroute serge france - @fakessh]
- Fixed: Missing icons [Since Beta Build 08/10/2018 @ 13:03 UTC]
- Fixed: Watch notification bracket matching settings (Issue #2009)
- Fixed: Watch notifications for single booking deletions may not trigger for all relevant users (Issue #2010)
- Fixed: Icons not showing on modify client screen when accessed via client search result [Since Beta Build 08/10/2018 @ 13:03 UTC]
- Fixed: Main date heading would not reduce to just month and year when initially switching to monthly overview in some instances [Since Beta Build 08/10/2018 @ 13:03 UTC]
- Improved: Width of date/time column slightly increased on Recent Activity screen
- Improved: Pending Booking Request screen will no longer show booking fields which have been hidden
- New: Honeycomb, Squares, and Wood visual themes
- New: Optional Microsoft Teams addon - Send Watch notifications to your Microsoft Teams channel
- New: Drag & Drop Duplicate/Reschedule touch screen support
- Improved: Visual themes now all include high-resolution SVG icons
- Improved: Browser performance when loading data in the Client tab of the Booking Information Panel
- Improved: "Please refer to the MIDAS Knowledgebase" error links now open the KB in a new window (to avoid CSP violations)
- Improved: Support for smaller mobile screens
- Change: Bulk modifying venues no longer bulk modifies venue descriptions
- Change: Security Audit no longer checks for latest version in cloud-hosted editions
- Fixed: Logged in users with request-only permissions could request manager-less venues (Issue #2007)
- Fixed: Disabling theme selector would still allow users who'd used the "Remember Me" option to use their previously selected theme (Issue #2008)