MIDAS v4.10 Build History
(Dates shown as DD/MM/YY · All times shown in UTC)
v4.10 Build 02/12/2015 @ 15:39 UTC
- Improved: LDAP support & error detection
- Fixed: Clients unable to pay invoices online in some instances (Issue #1731)
- Fixed: Scheduled Tasks may fail to send emails in some instances (Issue #1730)
- Fixed: Phantom attendee values may be present in booking requests (Issue #1729)
- Fixed: Similar Bookings results could show past bookings for users without privileges to modify/delete past bookings in some instances (Issue #1728)
- Improved: Date/Time format support when importing bookings
- Updated: Timezone rules
- Security enhancements
- Improved: Fallback to en-US if invalid language parameter supplied
- Improved: Width of Delete/Modify Similar Bookings Results window
- Optimization: Image optimization
- Optimization: MySQL query & memory footprint reduction
- Fixed: Chrome-specific UI glitch when scrolling a list of Similar Booking search results (Issue #1727)
- Security enhancements
- Improved: Better handling when an update cannot be stored due to insufficient permissions
- Fixed: Booking Request Cancellation links pointed to wrong component (Issue #1726)
- Fixed: MySQL errors when attempting to modify certain booking requests (Issue #1725)
- Improved: Requestor's email addresses now shown in tooltips when hovering over the "Requested By" column on the Pending Booking Requests screen
- Fixed: Advanced printing for specific venues may show no bookings
- Fixed: Add/Delete SVG icons in the Default-HiRes Theme Pack may not appear as intended on iOS/OSX
- Fixed: Emailed invoices include the invoice template twice
- Fixed: Emails may appear with corrupt characters
- Fixed: Not possible to add multiple bookings if booking notes contain non-standard characters
- Fixed: Booking Grid venue unavailable tooltips may appear partially off-screen for venues closed all day
- Fixed: Monthly Overview "View" setting may not reflect currently shown data field if default view option set to "invoices" and user has limited/no invoicing permissions
- Fixed: MIDAS statistics for "Build Date" may indicate "Today" for yesterday's build
- Fixed: Workaround for iOS 9 bug when running MIDAS via a Home Screen icon and then viewing a screen to be printed
- Fixed: Adding custom booking fields with non-standard characters in their names may prevent bookings being added
- Improved: Formatting of plain-text versions of emails
- Improved: Height of date cells in Monthly Overview now fill available height
- Fixed: Auto-Login warns about cookies being disabled on iOS when running via a Home Screen icon
- Fixed: Encoding issues (Related to Issue #1559)
- Fixed: Possible to export anything other than bookings in iCal format
- Fixed: Booking Grid hours timeline may jump down when editing Day Notes
- Fixed: "Invoice Not Found" error when trying to locate/view some invoices (Since v4.10 Beta Build 07/09/2015)
- Fixed: Multi-item Invoices only showing the first item (Since v4.10 Beta Build 07/09/2015)
- Fixed: Booking History showing "Unknown User" for recently bookings/added modified (Since v4.10 Beta Build 07/09/2015)
- Fixed: Restore Deleted Bookings screen not showing resource names (Issue #1713)
- Fixed: Booking menu icons in the booking grid may appear partially off screen on some smaller devices in portrait orientation
- Updated: qTip2 to 2.2.1
- Fixed: Auto-Login not working (Since v4.10 Beta Build 07/09/2015)
- Fixed: Chrome may bounce user back to login screen when attempting to print (Since v4.10 Beta Build 07/09/2015)
- Fixed: Silent MySQL error if no parameters passed when printing
- Fixed: File encoding issues (Related to Issue #1559)
- Fixed: Issues with £ symbols when adding post-booking comments or invoice notes (Related to Issue #1559)
- Updated: Help Documentation
- Updated: Recommended Browser versions
- Fixed: Alternative Invoice Clients not working for retrospectively generated invoices (Since v4.10 Beta Build 07/09/2015)
- Fixed: Multi-line booking field content is concatenated onto single lines on print outs (Issue #1712)
- Improved: When enabling two-factor authentication a reminder about correct email settings is shown.
- Improved: Option to enable two-factor authentication is now disabled if Single Sign-On (Active Directory) support is enabled, or if no "Outgoing emails appear sent from" address is specified.
- Update: Language Packs
- Update: Recommended Browser versions
- Fixed: "Generate Invoice" icon incorrectly shown on bookings with no client (Issue #1710)
- Fixed: "Generate Invoices From Existing Bookings" produces MySQL error if generating for "All Clients" and there are clientless bookings (Issue #1711)
- Security enhancements
- Improved: Passing a value of "*" for the optional "venue" parameter of the public booking request URL will preselect all requestable venues
- Fixed: Issues with £ symbols in internal messages (Related to Issue #1559)
- Updated: Default-HiRes Theme Updated
- Fixed: %DATETIME% template variable not correctly substituted in some email templates (Issue #1708)
- Fixed: Resetting a template shows a blank template (Issue #1709)
- Updated: Help Documentation
- New: Optional Two-Factor Authentication
- New: You can now set an alternative client to use for invoicing for a given client's bookings
- New: Support for STARTTLS auth method for SMTP email sending
- New: %USER% variable can be used in a custom booking field's default value which is in turn substituted for the current user's name on their Add/Modify Bookings screen
- Improved: When adding resources to bookings, the resource list can now be quickly filtered
- Improved: Control whether Booking Type Discounts are applied to venues, resources, or both
- Improved: Access to Invoices can now restricted to only allow users access to invoices which they've generated/created/added
- Improved: Invoice numbers can now be shown on booking blocks/tooltips and in the Monthly Overview
- Improved: Emergency Evacuation Printouts now include client names and mobile/cell contacts (if available), and staffing levels/locations
- Improved: Booking Type Discounts can be negative to increase the cost of certain types
- Improved: SMTP connections now automatically timeout after 30 seconds (by default)
- Improved: Performance when initially loading/logging in
- Improved: Performance during actions which send email
- Improved: Text area custom booking fields can now accept up to 64K characters (previously limited to 300)
- Improved: "BCC to me" setting now remembers last setting (previously always defaulted to on)
- Fixed: Possible to save invalid email addresses on admin screens even after warning prompts (Issue #1703)
- Fixed: Repeatedly saving a multi-line venue description inserts additional empty lines upon each save (Issue #1704)
- Fixed: "Show To" setting for booking fields not listing users who have permission to modify, but not add, bookings (Issue #1705)
- Fixed: Layout issues on some mobile devices (i.e. Samsung Galaxy S III) in Landscape mode (Issue #1706)
- Fixed: Importing files with additional period (.) characters may fail to correctly detect file type (Issue #1707)
- Security enhancements
- Update: jQuery to 1.11.3