MIDAS v4.09 Build History
(Dates shown as DD/MM/YY · All times shown in UTC)
v4.09 Build 11/08/2015 @ 15:36 UTC
- Fixed: Issues with pound symbols in booking notes (Regression of Issue #1559)
- Improved: Browser version checking now supports Microsoft Edge
- Updated: Help Documentation
- Fixed: Not possible to remove certain custom booking fields (Issue #1702)
- Fixed: Dragging and dropping bookings to new venues near the end of a long list of venues may cause booking to be hidden/not assigned a venue (Variation of Issue #1693)
- Fixed: Unavailable booking requests may show numbers in "Availability" column on Pending Booking Request screen instead of "Unavailable" (Issue #1701)
- Fixed: Cancellation Invoice counter not incrementing (Issue #1700)
- Fixed: Modifying a client multiple times via the Add Booking screen may not refresh to reflect changes in IE (Issue #1699)
- Fixed: Dragging and dropping bookings to new venues/times not accurate in latest versions of Google Chrome (Reemergence of Issue #1693)
- Fixed: Duplicate entry in view selector for the Monthly Overview (Issue #1697)
- Fixed: Online Invoice Payments may show as disabled when enabled (Issue #1698)
- Fixed: Issue preventing booking alternatives from showing under specific conditions (Issue #1696)
- Updated: Help Documentation
- New: Bulk delete (expire) Messages, Reminders, and Watch Notifications
- New: SMTP "Test" button
- Improved: When importing users, additionally adding them as clients is now optional
- Fixed: SSO AD "Test" button when multiple AD bases are specified
- Fixed: Booking Info Panel data remains "pinned" after performing actions from a booking's menu (Issue #1694)
- Fixed: %MIDASURL% template variable not correctly substituted when viewing/printing invoices (Issue #1695)
- Improved: SSO support now allows searching for users in multiple AD bases
- Fixed: Workaround for rare & intermittent IE bug which may cause nothing to appear to happen when clicking "Book All Available" (Issue #1690)
- Fixed: Booking start times of Midnight when running in 12-hour clock mode may cause time selector on Add/Modify Booking screen to not be pre-selected as 12am (Issue #1691)
- Fixed: Dragging and dropping bookings to new venues/times not accurate in latest versions of Google Chrome (Issue #1692)
- Updated: Help Documentation
- Improved: Offering of earlier/later alternate times when a booking is unavailable due to being outside of hours
- Improved: Easier to specify multiple email addresses for clients by entering "one per line"
- Fixed: Cursor jumps to end of client/email field entries when adding/modifying client in Chrome
- Fixed: Lengthy lists of comma-separated client email addresses are truncated to 80 characters
- Fixed: "Auto send User their login details" option if ticked, remains ticked after saving changes
- New: Booking Alternatives
- New: When "Unavailable" is shown on the Booking Availability screen, it's now possible to see details of the existing conflicting booking
- New: Associate multiple email addresses with client records
- New: Pending Booking Requests screen can be printed
- New: Help Documentation is now searchable (via the Search screen)
- Improved: When deleting a booking type, it's now optional to remove all bookings of that type
- Improved: Performance when no connection to server
- Fixed: Possible to break Public Booking Requests by adding custom fields with particular names (Issue #1676)
- Fixed: Possible to still update an invoice immediately after printing (Issue #1677)
- Fixed: Removing an invoice item without removing its rate retains invoice total including null item (Issue #1680)
- Fixed; "Times" shouldn't be an option for "Show on month cells" (Issue #1681)
- Fixed: For bookings starting close to midnight and where MIDAS is running in a negative UTC timezone, generated invoices may use the previous day's rate (Issue #1684)
- Fixed: Emails sent to clients with names containing commas or semi-colons fail (Issue #1685)
- Fixed: Unable to modify/save changes to Period timelists (Issue #1686)
- Fixed: "Time List" user setting saves but changes not indicated if navigating to a different user and then back again (Issue #1687)
- Fixed: When running in "Maintenance Mode", other informational messages are not shown on login screen (Issue #1688)
- Fixed: Default Theme setting selector may not list themes in alphabetical order (Issue #1689)
- Change: SSL Access setting removed for Hosted customers as SSL is always available