MIDAS v4.28 Build History
(Dates shown as DD/MM/YY · All times shown in UTC)
v4.28 Build 25/10/21 @ 15:20 UTC
- Fixed: JS error if "Remember Me" option is selected on public screens when certain client fields are hidden
- Fixed: Possible for the primary user to revoke their status when assigning permissions from a group
- Fixed: Emergency Evac printouts may indicate no bookings are ongoing if configured to account for setup/breakdown times, but these fields are disabled.
- Fixed: Modifying a booking which spanned across a year boundary didn't reflect correct end year on Modify Bookings screen
- Improved: Compatibility with optional API
- Fixed: Unable to remove more than the first 6 closed from/until times from venues
- Fixed: Manage MIDAS screen may hang on IIS servers
- Fixed: Stripe "Pay" button on Public Web Booking payment screen remains in loading state upon error
- Fixed: Manage MIDAS screen may hang on IIS servers
- Fixed: Removing an item from an unsent invoice may not correctly update invoice total
- Fixed: Modifying a booking to a different date may not correctly navigate to that date after modifying
- Fixed: Logout when adding resources to an existing invoice
- Fixed: Installing/Updating addons returns to MIDAS Admin Options screen, rather than Manage Addons
- Fixed: Server error on session timeout in some rare instances
- Fixed: Address lines combined when adding new clients
- Fixed: Resources not being included in invoices if zero value invoice items are set to be excluded, yet resource item value is non zero
- Fixed: JS error when adding post booking comments
- Fixed: Recent Activity Log live updates not respecting Action filter
- Fixed: Missing Back/Print buttons when printing Monthly overviews when accessing MIDAS via a Home Screen icon (Standalone / Web Clip Mode)
- Fixed: Password reset not working
- Fixed: "MySQL server has gone away" issue on login screen
- Fixed: Unable to allow overlapping setup/breakdown times in additional databases
- Improved: Performance improvements (database query reduction)
- Fixed: Database backups not being made if database name contained slashes
- Fixed: Polling for messages
- Fixed: Selecting an invoice may jump back to the login screen
- Fixed: Booking Grid constantly refreshes if user's hours span across midnight
- Fixed: Booking Grid constantly refreshes if no venues defined
- Fixed: Installer not correctly setting up templates
- Fixed: MIDAS logo size in template previews
- Improved: JS error logging
- Improved: Recent Activity Log display performance
- Fixed: Day Notes not showing under "In Use" filter when there were no bookings on selected date(s)
- Fixed: Day Notes not showing if viewing a venue group containing no venues
- Security enhancements
- Fixed: Booking Grid may constantly refresh if viewing a venue group with no venues assigned
- Fixed: Booking Grid may constantly refresh under "In Use" filter if there are no bookings on the selected date(s)
- Fixed: Changing the filter when in the monthly overview would expire the session
- Fixed: Remove Inactive Clients tool returned a server error
- Security enhancements
- Improved: Performance when modifying multiple bookings
- Fixed: Booking block display issue when deleting similar bookings shown in the current grid
- Fixed: Live Booking Grid background updates
- Fixed: Custom Branding logo rendering in emails
- Optimization: Code optimization
- New: Notification Center (formally "My Messages")
- New: Watch for venue availability
- New: Ability to reset invoice counters
- New: Support for Custom Branding / White Labeling via optional addon
- New: Encrypted table support when adding additional databases
- Improved: Database Backups are now encrypted at rest (Requires OpenSSL>=1.1.1)
- Improved: SMTP Test now performs an SPF record check for cloud-hosted MIDAS systems
- Improved: Added a note to the Manage Addons page in demo mode to clarify that addons aren't included as standard
- Improved: Multiple failed login attempts now collated in Recent Activity Log
- Improved: Forward-slash characters now allowed in invoice prefixes
- Improved: UI improvements on Add/Modify Booking screen
- Change: Some template placeholder variables have been renamed
- Fixed: Unable to save newer Stripe Secret/Publishable keys
- Fixed: "Book Between" option not being hidden when dates cleared on Add/Modify Booking screen
- Fixed: Auto Venue selection for public Web Bookings/Requests could be enabled when no venue groups were defined
- Fixed: Duplicate dates could be specified when appending repetitive dates on the Add/Modify Bookings Screen
- Update: jQuery to 3.6.0
- Update: jQuery-Autocomplete to 1.4.11
- Security enhancements
- Optimization: Code optimization