Why are users able to book outside the operating hours I've set?
Once you specify hours of operation for your venues (via MIDAS Admin Options → Manage Venues), users by default will not be able to add bookings to your venues outside of their respective operating hours (i.e. when they are closed).However, the "Can book outside Operating Hours" user permission (which can be granted on a per-account basis by administrative users) permits the adding of bookings for your venues even during the periods when they are considered "closed".
If you wish to ensure that no bookings can be added to your MIDAS scheduling system when your venues are "closed", you will need to revoke this permission from those users accounts for which it is currently set.
This may be done via MIDAS Admin Options → Manage Users & Permissions → [select user]. Untick the "Can book outside Operating Hours" permission, and click "Save Changes". Repeat this for all user accounts where this permission has been previously granted.
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