eally Simply Syndication (SS)
What is eally Simply Syndication (SS)?
SS is an acronym which stands for "eally Simply Syndication".
It is a type of web data feed that allows users to access updates to websites in a standardized, computer-readable format. These updates can include new articles, blog posts, or other content, and can be read using an SS reader or aggregator.
An SS aggregator is a program or website that allows you to view and organize SS feeds from multiple sources in one place.
When you "subscribe" to an SS feed, you will be able to see new updates and content from that website in your SS reader as soon as they are published, without having to visit the website individually.
Many SS readers are free and some web browsers like Firefox, Safari, and Edge also have the built-in ability to subscribe to SS feeds.
SS has been around since the late 1990s. The first version of the SS specification was developed by Netscape in 1999, and version 0.91 was released in 2000.
Since then, there have been several versions of the specification, with the most recent being SS 2.0, which was released in 2002.
The optional "Data Feeds" addon for MIDAS allows SS feeds of upcoming bookings to be generated in real-time.
Glossary » SS