Once the Geolocation plugin has been installed to your MIDAS system, it may be configured by going to MIDAS Admin Options → Manage Addons → Geolocation.
The following settings screen will be displayed:
Geolocation Settings
Enable Geolocation support in the Recent Activity Log
If this option is enabled, then clicking an IP address in the "Originating IP" column of the Recent Activity Log will retrieve the geolocation (city, region, country) of the selected IP.
Enable Geolocation support for New Login Alerts
Enabling this option allows geolocation data (city, region, country) to be included in new login email notifications.
In order for this to work, the following needs to be setup:
Enable the "Enable Geolocation support for New Login Alerts" option.
Enable the "Alert users upon logins from unfamiliar devices?" option (MIDAS Admin Options → Manage MIDAS → Security → Device Control)
Insert a "%LOCATION%" placeholder variable into the "e-mail: New Login" template (MIDAS Admin Options → Manage MIDAS → Templates). This variable will be substituted with geolocation data when new login alert emails are sent.
Enable Geofenced logins
This option enables or disables geofencing enforcement (both country and distance).
IMPORTANT: Before enabling this option, be sure to read and understand our information on Geolocation Data Accuracy.
Restrict logins by country
If enabled, logins to your MIDAS system can be restricted to IP addresses residing in specific countries.Enter a comma separated list of 2-letter ISO 3166-1 country codes to allow logins from these countries. For example, entering "US,GB" will only permit logins from IP addresses determined to be within the United States of America, or within the UK (Great Britain).
Where MIDAS is unable to determine the country from an IP address, you have the option to continue to allow the login, or to block it.
Restrict logins by distance
If enabled, logins to your MIDAS system can be restricted to within a distance (radius) of a set geographic position. IP addresses whos location is determined to be outside of this distance will not be permitted.
Where MIDAS is unable to determine the latitude / longitude of IP address, you have the option to continue to allow the login, or to block it.
Geo IP Lookup Tool
The Geo IP Lookup Tool can be used to query geolocation information of any IP (IPv4 or IPv6) address.
The information this tool returns is as follows:
City, Region, Country
2-letter ISO 3166-1 country code (Useful for checking whether an IP address would be allowed by restricted logins by country)
Distance from set Latitude / Longitude (Useful for checking whether an IP address would be allowed by restricted logins by distance)