MIDAS Reviews Addon MIDAS Reviews Addon: Configuration

Step 1: Email Configuration

In order for this addon to function, your MIDAS system must be correctly configured for sending email.

For assistance correctly configuring email in MIDAS please refer to the documentation.

Step 2: Scheduled Tasks

Once you've verified that your MIDAS system is able to send email, you'll next need to ensure that Scheduled Tasks have been correctly configured in your MIDAS system.

These settings may be found via MIDAS Admin Options → Manage MIDAS → Scheduled Tasks.

Please check the "Last Run" time and verify that this indicates a time within the past hour. If it does not, then Scheduled Tasks have not been correctly configured for your MIDAS system.

For assistance correctly configuring Scheduled Tasks please see the following KB article: How to configure your server to run Scheduled Tasks.

Step 3: Obtain review BCC email address

In order for your chosen review platform to be able to send a review invitation to your facility's users, they'll provide you with a unique email address (known as a BCC email address). You'll need to make a note of this email address, as you'll need to enter it within the Reviews addon settings page in your MIDAS system.

Details of how to obtain your unique BCC email address for each supported review platform is available via the following links:

The above links may also provide further details on any applicable settings within the review platform itself that you may be able to configure. For example, how quickly your clients should receive a review invitation, or how many times or how frequently each client should be sent a review invitation.

Don't worry if the review platform indicates that you need to add additional hidden "code" to your emails. This will be automatically added by the Review addon in MIDAS.

Step 4: Configuring the addon

Once you have your unique BCC email address from your chosen review platform, you'll need to enter it within the Reviews addon settings page in your MIDAS system.

This may be accessed via MIDAS Admin Options → Manage Addons → Reviews.

On this screen, select the review platform you're using to collect customer reviews. You'll then be prompted to enter the BCC email address the review platform has provided for you. Click "Save Changes" when done.