Church Hall Booking System
Does this look familiar...?

If so, you're probably spending far more time than you'd like trying to maintain clear and accurate booking records, whilst making sure everyone else knows what's going on!
...or maybe you've tried moving on from a traditional paper church hall booking form to programs like Excel or Outlook or Google Calendar for your Church scheduling? - Programs that were never designed specifically for room booking and don't quite meet all your needs and expectations from a Church booking management system!?
Churches are becoming increasingly active all week long - not just on Sundays! - with rooms used for varied activities by both Church and external community groups alike.
Does you existing booking system cope?
Maybe it's time to change?!

Introducing MIDAS...
The complete web based system for the effective Church management of your facilities and resources!
With our MIDAS Church booking software you have complete control over your Church room bookings and equipment scheduling. Send booking confirmations and invoices to clients, take booking requests through your Church website, and put an end to double bookings once and for all
MIDAS already helps a growing number of Churches around the world increase their visitor numbers and decrease administrative staff's workload through more effective management of their room hires and bookings. So if you're not completely satisfied with your current church booking system, then why not take a look at MIDAS...
10 benefits of our Church Hall Booking Software:
- A cloud-based Church calendar can be accessed anytime, anywhere.
- Church leaders can access critical booking information with a simple Internet connection.
- Members can check Church room availability themselves without having to ask you.
- The Church gets to define who controls and who can see the calendar.
- Church members can make bookings which can be quickly approved by an administrator.
- Avoid two groups needing the same space and resources at the same time.
- Plan ahead to ensure any necessary equipment for each group is available in the appropriate space within your Church's facilities.
- Shift the responsibilities to request rooms to those who need the space and not just on a single contact person.
- Empower staff and ministry leaders to resolve their own space scheduling conflicts before an administrator has to get involved.
- Streamline the time spent on scheduling and administrative tasks, reduce the amount of paperwork, and improve communication!