Our Affiliate scheme has now closed

Our original Affiliate scheme has now been superseded by our brand new "Refer-a-Friend" program.

As of 27th July 2021, we are no longer accepting new applications to our affiliate scheme.

Will my previous affiliate links still work?

Your existing affiliate links will continue to function until 31st August 2021, after which they will no longer be valid. If you're a current MIDAS customer, you can grab a new, unique Refer-a-Friend link here.

I'm not a MIDAS customer, can I still "Refer-a-Friend"?

We believe that referrals from existing customers are more useful and trustworthy to potential future customers, than from those who've never actually used our software. Therefore, unlike our previous Affiliate scheme, our new "Refer-a-Friend" program requires you to be a current MIDAS customer.

Where can I find out more about the new "Refer-a-Friend" program?

You can read more about our "Refer-a-Friend" program here.