Sponsored Article FAQ

What is a "Sponsored Article" on mid.as?

We offer the opportunity for organizations and businesses to "sponsor" existing articles on our website, for which we receive a small fee.

We only accept article sponsorship if we feel that the sponsor's link is of high quality, adds value, and is relevant to the particular article on our site they are "sponsoring".

Does "sponsorship" affect the impartiality of an article?

In short - no.

We do not accept "guest posts", and all articles are written by us.

Where a particular article is sponsored, the sponsor has no editorial influence over the article's content.

How do I report an inappropriate sponsor / link?

We carefully vet all article sponsors and their links prior to acceptance and take that responsibility seriously.

We receive a high volume of sponsorship requests, but we only accept those which are of high quality, add value, and are relevant to the particular article on our site they wish to "sponsor".

However, if you believe that an article sponsor's link is inappropriate, please let us know by emailing [email protected].

How can I sponsor an article on mid.as?

Please see our sponsorship opportunities page for further information.