Library Room Booking & Reservation System
Are you still using a paper-based booking system behind your Library's front desk to schedule events, spaces, computers, study rooms and other Library resources?

If so, you're probably spending more time than you'd like trying to keep on top of things whilst maintain clear and accurate booking records, resolving double-bookings, and making sure everyone else knows what's going on!
...or maybe you've moved past a paper-based booking system to basic software like Excel or Outlook or Google Calendar for your Library scheduling? - Programs that were never designed specifically for room scheduling and don't quite meet all your needs and expectations from a Library resource booking system!?
Library's are becoming increasingly diverse these days with a variety of activities and users wishing to book, hire, or utilize the spaces and resources... and the more the demand on your facilities increases, the more strain this puts on your existing library booking system (and Librarians!)!
Maybe it's time to change?!
How MIDAS streamlines your Library Room Booking process:
- Library users can instantly check room availability themselves without having to ask you.
- Library users can book your facilities or study rooms online (or make booking "requests" which first have to be approved/rejected by library staff)
- Librarians can quickly approve/reject booking requests with just a couple of clicks.
- Avoid two people booking the same space or resource at the same time - Librarians no longer need to resolve scheduling conflicts!
- Events can be instantly scheduled by library staff.
- Librarians and other library staff retain complete control over the booking calendar.
- Automated email confirmations are sent to Library members when they book/request a room.
- The software can alert library staff when requests are received or when certain equipment or resources are needed for a booking.
- Streamline the overall time spent on scheduling and administrative tasks, and reduce the amount of confusion and paperwork!
- An online library room booking and reservation system like MIDAS, can be accessed anytime, anywhere - even when your Library is closed!
Introducing MIDAS...
The Web Based Room Scheduling solution for the effective management of your Library spaces and resources!
With MIDAS you have complete control over your Library room bookings and equipment scheduling. Send booking confirmations and invoices to your facility's users, accept reservations through your website, and put an end to double bookings and frustrated users once and for all!
MIDAS has already helped a number of Libraries across the globe increase effective usage of their facilities and resources, whilst at the same time decreasing the administrative workload. So if you're not completely satisfied with your current library booking system, then why not take a look at MIDAS...